FLIR M500 Our most cutting-edge M-Series pan and tilt camera to date is the gyro-stabilized FLIR M500 cooled thermal camera. The FLIR M500 excels at both short and ultra-long range target detection and identification thanks to its cryogenically cooled 640 x 512 pixel Mid Wave Infrared (MWIR) thermal sensor. It has a 30x color HD camera with a 14X continuous optical thermal zoom, an LED spot-beam, video tracking, and radar integration. Utilize cutting-edge thermal night vision to sail like a pro Explore your adventurous side with FLIR’s thermal night vision cameras, which are precise, simple to use, and dependable. With the same cutting-edge technology employed by professional mariners and military worldwide, you may experience a sense of personal freedom when fishing, cruising, sailing, or simply exploring the ocean.

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